Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A day @ Sri Sai Old Age Home

Did a shoot @ Sri Om Sai Old Age Home as part of Help-Portrait. It was a wonderful experience. And i personally consider this shoot as my most memorable one.

Had fantastic time... met 18 different people... got to know about 18 different families...18 different life stories... 18 different pain and sorrows... Some stories really got tears in my my eyes... :(

Life is so uncertain isn't it??? did any of these 18ppl ever thought that they will be living together under a common shelter????

Friends, lets give all our love to our elders.. they really DESERVE it ...

And i really appreciate Mr. Ravi Kumar who the backbone of the trust :)

Here are some clicks for those sweet people...

Deep in thoughts...

Young at hear...

Hard worked hands

Away from home...

The real Hero...

You can see more pics on my FB page.


Unknown said...

Excellent Pictures!

विक्रम said...

superb pics as usual...

nice design of blog...

simply you rock!!!

Sowmya said...

Thanks Suresh :)

Thanks Vikram :)Glad u liked the blog design too:)

Pranay said...

Well taken pictures.. really amazing.

Sowmya said...

Thanks Pranav for your kind words:)

Vijesh said...

Great cause and awesome pics.

Aniruddha Bokil said...

great pics sowmya!

TheZion said...

nice pics... ur FB link doesnt work

Sowmya said...

Thanks Vijesh, Anirud for your comments :)

Thanks TheZion - you can try the link now. its working :)

Haddock said...

The photographs speak for themselves.

Chandan said...

Wow....I loved these pics....Even the ones from the kambala calender and also the one of talakaveri. Which cam do you own...Or should I ask which CAM's do you own :)

Anonymous said...

These are lovely portraits.. Hope to see more....

Sowmya said...

Thanks Haddock

Thanks Chandan - I use Canon 400d :)

Thanks Tony

Glad u all liked my work:)